Empowering the Network between Micro and Small Manufacturing Companies, Associations and University: Success Stories
In the frame of the World Manufacturing Week, Confartigianato Lombardia, partner in PMI Network project, promotes the online round table titled “Empowering the Network between Micro and Small Manufacturing Companies, […]
TECH DAY "Alternative Finance for SMEs"
In the month dedicated to financial education (, we propose a Tech Day focus on alternative finance instruments for SMEs. In line with the current European framework, the market of […]
TECH DAY "Supply chain traceability: technological enablers and socio-economic impacts"
In general, companies do not know enough about the products that they buy and sell to navigate the many complex challenges facing today’s global supply chains.Some companies are realizing the […]
Wearables: research, technologies and applications
One of the technologies which is getting actively involved in our life in recent years are the wearables. They include a wide array of devices and systems, active and passive, which occupy a very important function in many applications. Starting from […]
Innovation: it’s all about collaboration
Innovation is one of the fundamental and strategic processes of a company and represents the main source of competitive advantage. Companies are called to manage strategic processes that transform creative […]
Towards digital transformation: from the analysis of the value flow to the development of a roadmap to digitize business processes
Technological advancement and evolution in the management of industrial processes are directing companies towards a new way of interacting with information and creating value. We are talking about Industry 4.0: […]
Measurements, IoT and condition based monitoring
Temperature and vibration measurements have always been used to describe the state of machineries and the paradigms of I4.0 (wireless sensors, machine learning, big data and cloud-based analysis) increase the […]
Circular economy business models - towards sustainable production and consumption
High-sounding and inspiring, the concept of Circular Economy to date is still poorly integrated into industrial practice. The goal of the webinar is to provide a clear definition of the […]
TECH DAY "Digitization in SMEs: technologies and new opportunities"
The team of the project “PMI-NWTWORK” promotes a Tech Day as a moment of meeting and confrontation on topics related to product innovation, process and supply chain, with a focus […]
The impact of COVID-19 emergency on PMI: economical and financial aspects
As the trend statistics show, the shutdown of activities due to the COVID-19 emergency has generated a worrying impact on the income and liquidity situation for Italian companies, especially for […]
Collaborative robotics for SMEs: an accessible and flexible solution
In a context where uncontrollable pandemics are disrupting production systems around the world, we have a weapon that can allow us to remain operational and flexibly adapt production to changing […]
PMI Network presentation during APITech on "Internet of Things data and Machine Learning analysis"
During the online seminar organized by API for May 21, 2020 on the potential of IoT and Machine Learning in industrial production (See the poster), the project Interreg Italia-Svizzera PMI […]