
Date and time

25 September 2020
11:00 - 12:30



Technological advancement and evolution in the management of industrial processes are directing companies towards a new way of interacting with information and creating value. We are talking about Industry 4.0: a revolution that also through the digitization of information creates the prerequisite for the development and management of optimized and more sustainable production processes. This transformation, to be carried out in an optimal manner, requires a deep understanding of the processes on which to act, the integration of multidisciplinary skills and a holistic view of factory management. Challenges that can be difficult to approach for small and medium-sized enterprises that find themselves having to operate in a constantly evolving labor market. 

The webinar, dedicated to CEOs, managers, and personnel involved in the improvement of internal processes, presents a step-by-step approach to support the identification of the processes with greater added value on which to intervene, the methodology to analyse and formalize them, and a series of concrete tools capable of helping the identification and selection of the most significant projects, for the creation of a personalized roadmap for the digitization of the company.

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Andrea BarniGraduated in 2008 with a Master in Biomedical Engineering and a Master in Precision Manufacturing (2010), he has been a research engineer at SUPSI since 2009. Over the years, his research activity has focused on how digitalization and Industry 4.0 enable transformation towards more sustainable production systems. In this field he has studied in particular two areas that allow this transition: on the one hand, technologies and methods to support advanced and agile production, and on the other, methods and metrics to support the evaluation of sustainable production. 

Deborah Leone – She holds the position of assistant researcher at the ISTePS institute, part of SUPSI, where she obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Management Engineering (2017) and a Master of Science in Engineering, with specialization in Business Engineering and Production (2020). He actively works in projects related to the digitization of the company, in which he supports local and international companies, in the development of new business models in which the integration of technologies enabling the fourth industrial revolution is at the center of the development of new products and processes. In this context, it has developed and managed workshops designed to identify the flow of value in the company and to develop roadmaps for the digitization of business processes.

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