
Date and time

08 October 2020
16:30 - 18:40



In general, companies do not know enough about the products that they buy and sell to navigate the many complex challenges facing today’s global supply chains.Some companies are realizing the business value of traceability for efficiency, cost savings, and achieving product premiums in the market. However, they must first overcome the mistrust associated with validating claims of product identity and traceability. Blockchain, a type of distributed ledger technology (DLT), has been increasingly gaining market traction in supply chains—for example, in proofing product provenance and implementing track-and-trace of products through the supply chain. This panel, framed in the context of the Interreg project PMI NETWORK, aims at presenting different visions related to the value behind traceability for the supply chain, with contributions either touching technological and socio-economic drivers.

Coordinator: Andrea Barni, SUPSI

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16:30 Welcome and Introduction to the session – Andrea Barni

16:35 The economic, environmental and social value of traceability: a sustainable perspective – Andrea Barni, Alessandro Fontana

16.50 Blockchain for traceability: adoption, standards and applications in the fashion industry – Heinz Zeller

17.10 Key enablers in supply chain traceability: linking IoT with blockchain – Gabi Zodik

17.30 Using a blockchain to manage the agri-food supply chain: security, energy issues and circular economy enablement – Paolo D’Elia

17.50 Blockchain in Supply Chain- A Pharmaceutical use case example (Title to be confirmed) – Bernhard Elkuch

18.10 Ticino, a lab for blockchain development – Giacomo Poretti

18.25 Question & answers

18.40 Closure of the session


To enroll:  https://www.visionaryswiss.ch/supply-chain-traceability-technological-enablers-and-socio-economic-impacts/


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