PMI Network presentation during APITech on “Internet of Things data and Machine Learning analysis”
During the online seminar organized by API for May 21, 2020 on the potential of IoT and Machine Learning in industrial production (See the poster), the project Interreg Italia-Svizzera PMI Network – Cooperazione Transfrontaliera per l’Innovazione will be presented.
The program provides a series of interventions for business owners and technical offices managers in which new tools will be analyzed to grow and improve their performance.
Among the speakers there will also be prof. Marco Tarabini, scientific coordinator for the Polytechnic of Milan, who will frame the PMI Network project illustrating its method, tools and research objectives. In particular, it will present the Innovation Check Up, an analysis method developed in the first year of the project, which provides for the collection of information regarding companies to systematically identify their needs, peculiarities and identify priority lines for innovation.
The webinar will be host at GoToMeeting platform. To register send an email with your personal data (name, surname, company) to the email address:
PMI Network Partners
Politecnico di Milano – Polo territoriale di Lecco (capofila Italia)
SUPSI – Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana (capofila Svizzera)
Fondazione Politecnico di Milano
Camera di Commercio Como-Lecco
Confartigianato Imprese Lombardia
Confartigianato Imprese Lecco
A.P.I. – Associazione Piccole e Medie Industrie di Lecco
AITI – Associazione Industrie Ticinesi