Financial planning. The ingredients to grow
Santo Rizzo and Alessandro Bindoli
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The crisis linked to Covid-19 situation led to an exogenous shock on economic and financial performance, generating stress on liquidity.
Companies can initiate revision projects/initial setting of short and medium/long-term plans with a focus on cash in order to syabilize the liquidity situation and initiate specific actions to return to sustainable financial parameters.
For this reason, financial planning is an increasingly indispensable process that allows companies to correctly manage liquidity and keep monetary income and expenses under control, in order to be able, inter alia, to plan any uses in the short and medium/long term, or meet estimated cash needs.
In response to this need, ApiTech and Deloitte propose a seminar in which companies can draw useful insights with reference to the need for adequate financial planning, with particular attention to the advantages deriving, to the decisions to be made with reference to strategic and operational finance and with a focus on the tools that can be used, such as financial plan, cash flow and treasury budget.
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Dr. Santo Rizzo, he joined the organization in 1988 where he began his professional experience in auditing, acquiring significant skills in the sectors to which large multinational groups, such as Fiat Group Automobiles, Buzzi Unicem, Magnetto Group, Bitron Group, SKF, belong. In addition, he is part of the Board of Auditors of API Turino and he is a consultant for several manufacturing and service companies in the Piedmont area. Within the Deloitte structure at the Turin office, he holds the role of Regional Risk Managing Partner and he has been enrolled in the Register of Auditors since its establishment.
Dr. Alessandro Bindoli, he has more than 9 years of experience in various types of management consulting services, in particular Business Planning, Financial Modeling, Corporate Valuation, Restructuring, Independent Business Beview, Cash Budget and Treasury Plans.
He has gained significant experience in various industries in the Manufacturing, Consumer Goods, Retail, Energy & Utilities and Infrastructure sectors. Alessandro has held lessons by invitation as an expert in economic-financial planning and control at the CUOA Business School and at companies that, through the CUOA Business School, have requested custom courses for their C-level figures and administrative functions. He is a Chartered Accountant and Statutory Auditor. Among its main clients, both as advisor and internal audit specialist: Bitron Group, Coop Consorzio Nord Ovest, Coop Italia, Coop Alleanza, Cellularline Group, Bormioli Pharma Group, Safilo Group, Carel Industries, Save, AFV Beltrame, SIT Group, TAS, Morellato, Vivaticket, Conceria Pasubio, Carraro Group, Orienta Partners, BF Group, DMO, IGD SIIQ, Zegna, Piovan Group.